Let us swear an oath, and keep it with an equal mind,

In the hollow Lotos-land to live and lie reclined

On the hills like Gods together, careless of mankind.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Poetry Pleasure

I love poetry - reading a poem is like reading someones secret thoughts, they are so personal and reveal something of the true essence of the person. Poems ususally touch on something common in mankind and I love it when I go - yes, I feel that way too, or that's the way I see it as well. Its not always possible to complete a book, or find the time to read consistently, but everyone can find time to read a poem at the end of a busy day. Here are a couple of poems which my really cool neighbour brought to my attention.

                            HOW TO GROW UP

                            Hold on to everything horrible.
                            Jettison everything nice.
                            When you are shown something beautiful
                            Look at the price

                            Eat something boring for breakfast.
                            Watch television all night.
                            Stop being scared of the darkness.
                            Start being scared of the light.

                            Start liking money for money's sake,
                            Not for what money can do.
                            Never look out of an aeroplane.
                            Always complain to the crew.

                           Make yourself glummer and glummer.
                           Spend your time scowling and be,
                           Smack in the middle of summer,
                           A grumpy old bastard like me.

                           KEVIN Mc GEE


                            Everyday I think about dying
                            About disease, starvation,
                            violence, terrorism, war,
                            the end of the wold.
                            It helps keep my mind off things.

                             ROGER Mc GOUGH

They are both from the book 'Real Cool' Poems to Grow Up With, edited by Niall Mac Monagle. I have been enjoying this book as I am in the habit of being an old romantic and reading Keats and Tennsyson and the like and its good to read something modern! Thank you Kathy!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Moving to Kenmare

Kenmare here we come - we are moving this October. It will be tough as there are not many jobs down there but hey, I'm an artist and used to making do and it will be worth it to live in Kenmare. I'm really looking forward to living in an inspiring landscape again and being beside the sea. I didn't know how important the sea is until I left it! It will be a great place to raise our little boy and I'm feeling really positive about the future. 'What larks we'll have Pip!'